Meet Robin Puro-Kear:

Kintsugi Artist, Certified Life Coach, Money Coach, Mountain Lover.

I was raised in northern New Mexico. After taking a 25 year hiatus, I couldn’t resist returning to the magic of the high desert. In 2014, I became a kintsugi artist which led to me becoming a potter. Occasionally, I receive notes from clients about why they buy a particular piece and what kintsugi means to them. I’ve learned that my clients are warriors: they’re people who have suffered and survived the fires of change. I have so much respect for their journeys and this, plus a decades-long study in depth psychology, led me to become a certified Jungian life coach.

I’ve spent twenty years working in finance. I started as a bookkeeper and ended as Chief Financial Officer. But my passion was always the mountains. I have rock climbed and skied my way around the globe, sometimes combining the two by climbing a mountain just to ski back down it. This is my Capricorn nature. The outdoors are my church, they give flight to my spirit and teach me so much of what I know about fear, tenacity, ego, goals, grief, and soul.

The most interesting paths aren’t linear. My background has allowed me to connect deeply around flow and finance, art and grief, shadow and light, dreams and fears. It’s been my greatest joy to work with solopreneurs, CEOs, artists, athletes, parents, kids, creatives and inquisitors of human life. I know my path will twist again. I have creative projects in the making and a general nature towards lifelong searching. I would be honored to meet you somewhere along this wild and beautiful journey.

The tidbits: I’m a Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, Capricorn rising. I’m half Japanese, an INFJ, and a proud member of Team Dog. My coaching business, pottery studio and kintsugi studio are based in Taos, New Mexico. Studio is not open to the public.

With gratitude - Robin.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

- Buddha